Raymond Fire & Rescue Department

For On-Line Payments for Fire Billing (Non-EMS) Click Here

For directions click Here

The Raymond Fire & Rescue Department covers 36 square miles and protects the community with one fire station housing 10 emergency vehicles. The Raymond Fire Department is a paid per call fire department consisting of approximately 28 members including the Chief, two Assistant Chiefs and five Captains. Racine County Sheriff's dispatch at Ives Grove handles dispatching all 911 calls for the Village of Raymond. Our department responds to calls 24 hours a day/7 days a week/365 days a year. The Fire Department staff includes Emergency Medical Technicians (EMT), licensed by the State of Wisconsin - Dept. of Health and Family Services and are recertified every two years.


CALL 911

Call early, don't delay sounding the alarm! With such a large village we need to respond as quickly as possible to an incident.

Call 911 any time you...

  • Have a medical emergency
  • See fire or smoke
  • Smell an unusual order
  • Have a carbon monoxide alarm sound
  • Have a smoke detector sound
  • Have an EMERGENCY


Call 262-835-1687 or email [email protected]

any other questions or requests not listed below.

  • Permission to burn (also call the non-emergency line for Racine County Sheriff at 262-886-2300)
  • Requests for a fire station tour
  • Requests for a public appearance
  • Business: * KNOX box * Inspections * Occupancy * System Upgrades * etc,

Raymond Fire & Rescue Department



Email us at:

[email protected]



Fire Chief:

Adam Smith

1st Asst. Chief:

Kevan Leedle

2nd Asst. Chief:

Jacob Dinauer