Members and Duties - agendas and minutes of the Planning Commission

Planning Commission

If you have a project that will need Planning Commission approval, click here for the Zoning Administrator Page

The Village of Raymond Planning Commission makes recommendations on issues including variances, developments, land divisions, ponds and other planning issues. The members are appointed by the Village of Raymond Board and seats expire every May. The Village of Raymond posts seat openings in Late March/Early April for these seats for any interested parties to apply. Planning Commission meetings are held at the Raymond Village Hall on the Fourth Monday of every month at 6:30 p.m.

If you are interested in serving your Village in this capacity, please pick up an application in the Village Clerk’s office
at the Raymond Village Hall Monday thru Friday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. or click here for a printable form.

All forms are to be turned into the Village clerk’s office in person or emailed to [email protected].
The Village board will review the applicants and appoint at their May board meeting.   

If you have any questions, please call the Village Clerk at 835-4426 during regular office hours.

Please note that current members of the commission may be considered for another term.

Commission Members

Kari Morgan, President

Gary Boldt, Secretary

Keith Kastenson

Thomas (Tag) George

John Ertl

Steve Daily

Scott Brenton

Meeting Agendas